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  • What is Orthokeratology?
    Ortho-k is the science of changing the curvature or shape of the cornea to change how light is focused on the retina at the back of one's eye. This is achieved by using a special overnight wave contact lens much like how dentists use retainers. The lens is very easy to use and it is worn while you sleep.
  • How Safe is Ortho-k?
    Many people have been able to eliminate their dependance upon their glasses and standard contact lenses with no adverse effects or eye damage. Unlike surgical refractive procedures, the corneal tissue is not scarred. However, as with all contact lenses, care must be taken to maintain eye health with proper cleaning and disinfection of the contact lenses.​
  • Who Can Benefit From Ortho-k?
    There have been many technological advances which allow ortho-k to work for nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopes. You are a great candidate if: - You need excellent vision without the use of contacts or glasses​, such as fire fighters, military personnel, lifeguards, and many others - If your child's prescription increases yearly - If you are unable to wear contact lenses for any reason, like allergies, dryness, inconvenience, etc - If you do not want to be bothered with wearing glasses or contact lenses during a variety of activities such as playing sports, hiking, swimming, skiing, snorkeling, off-road driving, biking, and more, ortho-k is for you Not everyone meets the criteria for ortho-k, however, evaluations are complimentary​​​​.
  • Will I Still Have To Wear Glasses or Contacts? Is Ortho-k Permanent?
    Once the desired level of correction has been obtained, the lenses act as retainers to maintain that level, whatever that level is. Glasses nor contacts will be needed. ​​​The mold that the ortho-k uses is similar to the mold or imprint left on your wrist from wearing a watch. If you remove your watch for a few days, the imprint disappears and the appearance of your wrist returns to normal. Ortho-k is similar, stoppage in lens wear erases the mold from your cornea, and your cornea and vision return to their original state.​
  • ​Can Ortho-k Help Children and Teenagers?
    Absolutely, many studies around the world have indicated that Ortho-k can keep your children's nearsightedness from getting worse. Increasing nearsightedness is a risk factor for detached retina and glaucoma. It is used to slow down the progression of nearsightedness (myopia) and leave children and teenagers with a brighter future.​​​​
  • If I Wear Bifocals, Reading Glasses or Progressive Lenses, Am I A Candidate?"
    If you are 40 or over, your reading correction may be addressed with multifocal (like your progressive lenses) or monovision (one eye corrected for distance and one eye corrected for near) ortho-k retainers. Another alternative is to correct both eyes for distance vision and wear reading glasses whenever you want to do near work.
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