Contact Us
Lindsay: 705-324-4147
Peterborough: 705-745-2436
What To Know & Where To Go
If you are attending a consultation appointment, be prepared that your appointment can last between 1.5 - 2 hours.
Please bring with you:
Health Card
List of Medications
Prescription Glasses
Pair of Sunglasses
Someone to give you a drive to and from your appointment
Dr. D P Lane...........705-320-8080
39 Commerce Road
Lindsay, ON
K9V 5Y3
Dr. A W Zhou............705-324-9404
65 Angeline St North
Unit 8
Lindsay, ON
K9V 5N7
The Peterborough Clinic
26 Hospital Dr
Peterborough, ON
K9J 7C3
Ophthalmology is on the 2nd Floor in Suite 201.
Turn right off of the elevator.
Please note that this is a scent free office.
Dr. C H Cheung...........................705-740-6854
Dr. J D Hurst................................705-740-6866
Dr. J C McDonald........................705-740-6879
Dr. K D McReelis.........................705-740-6879
Dr. J Y-T Yeung............................705-740-6837